About Us

Our Students
An education like no other. Sailing builds unique skills, deep relationships and self worth like no other endeavor on earth.
+ Collaboration
+ Courage
+ Determination
+ Connection
+ Trust
For students like no other. The individuals most deserving of what life at sea has to offer are underrecognized young adults across the country who have shown dedication to perseverance and progress despite hardship.
+ Five million youth in the U.S. ages 16 to 24 are not in school or working.
+ Only 1 in 10 youth from low-income families go on to graduate from a four-year college.
+ More than 23,000 children age out of the U.S. foster care system every year and only 1 out of every 2 will have gainful employment by the age of 24.
Our program is designed for young adults who have demonstrated a strong commitment to self and others throughout their youth. As students of our program, they will work together in all aspects of running the vessel. Each student will feel the transformative impact of life at sea in their own way, carrying it with them wherever they go next.

From The Crew
It has been so incredible to see the program develop over the past four months that I’ve been on board. I joined Wisdom as a volunteer back in June excited about the program and sailing but not really knowing how I could help or what it would turn into. Fast forward four months and I’m an official member of the crew and about to get professional sailing certifications in a few short weeks. It’s hard to put into words how the program has evolved in such a short period of time, but I can say from first-hand experience that these students’ lives are going to change immensely. I say this with such certainty because of the growth I’ve seen in myself. I graduated college two weeks before joining Wisdom as a volunteer, helping out wherever it was needed and now here I am planning the program for the students themselves. I’ve kept a journal through this entire experience and going back and reading it is so emotional, because all the highs and lows I’ve experienced have made such a powerful impact on who I am as a person. My confidence alone is not just audible, but visible; I am passionate about the capabilities of this program because I myself am example of the opportunities that are made from being a part of the I CAN Foundation. I run the I CAN blog, I’ve recently begun working on the I CAN podcast, I plan the program itinerary and am a deck-stew on Wisdom. Most importantly, what it all boils down to is that I am part of the I CAN family. Every single experience I’ve had between the day I stepped on Wisdom in the Bahamas and today in Antigua is evidence that the program and crew are evolving every single day. I feel the energy, passion and work that is put into this program and cannot wait for when the students come on board.